There are ten things I’d like to put in a letter to the narcissist who destroyed me. These are things I never thought I would be able to say when our relationship first ended.
Once upon a time, I thought the emotional hell of breaking up and going no-contact with a narcissist would scald me alive. Then the intensity faded to a slow burn and now the entire relationship feels almost like a fever dream.
Was that actually me back there?
Yes… and no.
Oh, if he could see me now.
Too bad for him — he never will.
A Letter to the Narcissist Who Destroyed Me
5. You’re Not Special
Now that my brain has cleared, and I have stepped away from this craziness that was our relationship, I can look back at some of the things you did and said to me.
What is it like inside your mind that you think you have the right to go through your life treating people this way?
It will always be a curiosity to me now that people like you exist.
6. You Didn’t Win
I’ve had to claw my way back from hell, but I did it.
Yeah, you hurt me a lot. It felt like swallowing broken glass, but I was here on this earth long before you came along and I’m still standing strong and thriving without you.
I’ve not absorbed your unkind words about me to try to break me down.
I don’t have a general distrust of other people.
I haven’t sworn off relationships.
I don’t sit in my bedroom crying all day.
I haven’t given up my core sense of optimism and hope.
I’m sorry, but you just don’t have that kind of power.
7. I Was Too Strong For You
You were never going to be able to keep me. But what this really means is that I’m not pliable and easy to control.
Yes, it’s true–I was for a time after you got close enough to me to learn which buttons to press. Bravo! Nice work.
But you made a mistake — you wanted too much control. You wanted to control everything about me.
The same tools you use to control other women in your sphere–money, gender role shame, and religious doctrine–don’t work on me.
So instead you resorted to extreme cruelty and verbal and emotional abuse to try to beat me down so I wouldn’t have any self-worth.
What you never realized is that you were never going to take over and you were only breaking the spell you held over me every time you tried to break me down.
You used to brag to everyone about how I was a “fighter,” because I’d been through so much, but relationships are all about domination to you and you started to figure out that survivors eventually rise up.
So if I wouldn’t fall in line, I will wear that as a badge of honor because I know exactly what that means.
8. I Feel Sorry For You
I have thought about what it must be like to be you, to have my mood so dependent on what other people think of me and to have to constantly seek out the most shallow of interactions or else I feel completely nonexistent.
You can’t get by without other people and yet you despise other people for needing them so much.
For some of us, our own solitude is a place of peace. For you, it’s a prison.
You’re constantly on the lookout for imagined disrespect, and yet you drive people away and cause your own suffering by raining down chaos and misery on everyone around you.
You desperately crave love, but feel contempt toward anyone who shows you any because anyone who actually loves you is, in your eyes, foolish.
It must be exhausting to run through all these mental gymnastics to avoid having to feel so empty, or to be so anxious all the time that people will look at you and see an imposter.
Did I nail it?
9. It’s Your Loss
If I ever come up in your thoughts or conversation, I’m sure I’m talked about as one of those disloyal exes in your past.
I know what disloyal means to you now, and what you conveniently leave out about yourself. As if somehow the dynamic was ever under my control and I wanted things to turn out this way– not that I’d expect you to understand that.
I was only valuable to you if I looked the other way while you did whatever you wanted, put myself in a box and ignored my own needs, and let you talk to and treat me however you wanted without speaking up.
In other words– an object. No one can live like that– at least not happily and with good physical and mental health.
So what, exactly, did I lose?
You, on the other hand, threw away love.
It’s not even a fair trade. I get my life back and you destroyed a perfectly good relationship and lost someone who loved and cared about you.
10. The Next Guy I Fall In Love With Will Be Glad I Was With You First
I once thought you were the love of my life.
Now I know you weren’t, because the love of my life would never have treated me the way you did. The “love of your life” can’t be a one-sided relationship. That doesn’t even make sense.
And yet, I learned a lot about love in my relationship with you.
I also learned a lot of things about myself emotionally and physically while in a relationship and I gained knowledge about becoming a better partner.
Most of all, now I know I’m capable of giving someone that much love.
So I guess I have to thank you for showing me what was possible. My next boyfriend is going to benefit from that and I’ll be a better woman for that man, so he thanks you too.
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Other articles like this one:
- To Get Over a Narcissist You Absolutely Must Do This
- What a Narcissist Says About Break-Ups: They Never Let You Go
- Five Things to Help You Move On After Going No-Contact
- Eleven Things That Can Happen Before Going “No-Contact” and Meaning It
- The Five Relationship Outcomes If You’re With a Narcissist: Which One Will You Choose?
- If You’re Having Trouble Going No-Contact With a Narcissist, Try Doing This
Dale White
Comments back to a Narcissist are never any good. Narcissist want attention. They don’t care if it’s good or bad, they just care that you recognize them. The best comment to narcissist is simple; no, no, and no. The impact on them is the greatest revenge.
Can someone not recover from serious life-damaging effects caused by a narcissist?
2 years later no contact and I’m an empty shell existing day to day.
Shell ann
This is kind of off topic but I wanted to share. If ur narcissist rearranges the furniture there’s a good possibility they’ve gotten rid of something that’s yours. Mine rearranged the house constantly and I thought what everyone else thought..summed it up to a control issue or the fact they constantly need to switch it up. Wasn’t the case at all. He was hiding the fact his bum ass was stealing my shit.
And … if your spouse is ultimately adamant that you do NOT look inside his wallet or at his cell phone, iPad, or computer, then something is wrong! Narcissistic spouses are continually hiding money and information from their spouse. It is a major red flag when a spouse wants to take over ALL finances for the home or when a spouse does not want to discuss finances as a team.
Pricila Tobias
Your words seem to have come straight from my heart. Thank you so much for sharing. I am comforted knowing that I am not alone and I can & will survive. Much appreciation, Pricila
Maria H.
How did you put into words the EXACT thoughts and feelings I have held in my heart and brain for five years?
Thank you for reinforcing – in absolute perfection – that I am not the only one who has gone through this … and crawled my way back to the other side.
Kristen Milstead
You are welcome, Maria. Thank you for taking the time to read the article. Stay strong! -Kristen
Hi Kristen,
Thank you for this article, it hits the nail right on the head. It’s everything I and I think a lot of others had to realise and think through over months or years.
I was wondering if you could use a gender-inclusive language, like using “they/their” and “partner” instead of husband/boyfriend. Not all of us have been in a narcissistic relationship with a male narcissist, mine was a woman, and reading it that way, though everything applies and rings true, then sounds off . I hope you get my meaning.
Thanks again.
Kristen Milstead
Hi Kalan: Thank you for reading the article. If you read a general article that is written in the third person about narcissistic relationships in general, that might make sense and 99% of the time, that is exactly what I do, as you will see if you read others on my website. However, as the title gives away, this is an article written in the first person about my personal experience. I was in a heterosexual relationship with a man, so it wouldn’t make sense to even use neutral language in this one. As a woman, I would never write to a man who has been through one of these terrible experiences and ask him to write his articles in a way that makes me feel more comfortable. If male pronouns feel off, their/there should feel off as well, since they don’t apply to women or to men. So perhaps you can perform a thought exercise and put yourself in my shoes since our experiences have been so similar — it doesn’t seem as if it should be that hard. I’m sorry for what you have been through. We’re all in this together — let’s direct our healing energy in the right direction. Peace and light to you. -Kristen
Anonymous five
Hi. You can just read it as woman gf, wife, instead of husband. Read it as something else maybe instead of wanting people to write it as something else
Theresa Snyder
Your articals have helped me finally see the truth of the 3 year dark relationship i was in. I can now finally move forward, heal and except it wasnt my fault. I couldnt see the relationship for what it was untill he walked away with out a good bye and has never looked back at the financial , emotional , mental turmoil he left me in. Im fortunate he isnt hoovering , and hasnt tryed to contact me. Why would he ? He left me in such a severe debt.. Im thankful every day that i have the ability to see the truth, find the knowledge i needed, to learn from the 3 years and the ability to know i deserve better. I will continue to read all you send to me, so that i can continue to have that knowledge and not repeat the last 3 dark years. Again Thank you for the articals. Theresa
This is so incredibly spot on. I’m not only healed, but thriving now since my abuse so haven’t been reading many narcissistic articles, so I’m glad I took a random plunge to read this one this morning. Reminds me of what an amazing place I have made it to of self love and how far I have come since that torture started almost exactly a year ago today “out of no where” (or so I thought at the time). We are the ones full of love and joy, I too feel sorry for them for being incapable of that love and happiness. I’m also thankful for the torture, as it made me learn things I didn’t know I needed to. I’ve actually saved this to read back on if I ever need to. Some statements like feeling peace and calm in my body, that they are incapable of, that hit me. I now enjoy my solitude, when they can never ever feel that amazing place. Have a great day beautiful and keep helping others xx
Kristen, If I could talk to my ex narcissist I would copy and paste your letter. You hit everything and more of what I would want to say to him. Below is what I have learned from the beginning and how I look at it now. I want to thank you for helping me in my recovery.
He blindsiding me and abandoned our family for a new family much younger and needier then his own. I needed and wanted answers. He was not around to give me any or even capable if he was around. The things that he was stating and still stating were false and downright cruel.
What I discovered was at first I looked to him for the answers and for him to be a normal Person. Because he left with no conversation and moved on so abruptly and left me with a zero relationship and in a state of confusion. I had to find the answers myself. I know now that I’m blessed that he did not taint my recovery (face to face) with his lies, cheating ways, manipulation, cruel tricks and his triangularsation that he uses on everyone he meets.
I’m blessed that we did not have a relationship anymore and I did not bite to beg him back or be put in that triangle. I no longer trusted in a man that I was married to for 30 years. Oh don’t get me wrong, he still did all the things I talked about but it was done at a distance, much easier then up close and personal. I don’t know if I would have been able to educate myself about his behavior and see it clearly if he was still around manipulating me, feeding me crumbs of compliments to make me question myself in believing he could be capable of this type of behavior.
I learned that I was groomed for 30 years and I thank God for directing and protecting me. I’m blessed that I could process through this in His perfect timing. I did not have all the answers at first and nor would I have been able to handle them if I had them.
What I have learned is that there is no timeline in recovery from this abuse. As long as you are seeking help and moving forward you are on the right track of recovery.
Again! Thank you for helping me in my recovery.
Kristen Milstead
Hi Tori: You are so welcome, and I’m glad you found it helpful. I’m so sorry to learn about what you went through, but I’m glad to hear that you are no longer with him and are on your way to recovering. I wish you peace in your continued journey. Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment. Stay strong! -Kristen
I liked this info & would like to learn & read more.
Thank you
Kristen Milstead
Hi Christina. I’m glad you enjoyed it. What type of info are you looking for? At the top of the page, under “Articles,” there are some headings that may help you find the kind of information about narcissism or narcissistic abuse that you are looking for right at this moment. Feel free to comment again to get more specific. Thank you for reading and commenting! -Kristen
Searching for hope...
Kristen, If I was to write of what I would say to the narcissist I was with, it would be plagiarism. I am a broken record when I tell you that once again you have captured everything I feel. I don’t personally know you but it seems everything you are going through is parallel to what I’m experiencing. My ex abuser has now resorted to extortion thinking he could force his belief down my throat because he and his entire family lack empathy and live their life protecting their facade. The fear of losing that facade led to extortion message I received via WP threatening to “publicly shame” me not realizing I don’t operate that way. They also didn’t recognize what they are threatening me with is legally considered extortion. So, thank you for putting words to what I’m feeling exactly at this moment.
Kristen Milstead
I’m sorry to hear they are doing that to you! That must feel so scary to be up against all of them. Your writing is a powerful testament to all you’ve been through, and it’s been an inspiration to me. Thank you! -Kristen